Тег: society
I do indeed think about the Roman Empire every day
A way to create internal friction so folk don’t unite against the state
Politics is a sociëtal cancer. It is evil, but ignoring it only leads to poorer outcomes
Jail is an issue only to aging mortals. It’s a FOMO maximiser: having to spend X% of life under stern conditions means losing a meaningful part of the limited time available to live
We, men, have a natural urge to fight physically
Constant arousal is harmful, yet it’s the state of modern society. Ordering people to cover themselves in public will bring an end to it
“Put your pride on the shelf” is a line in Y. M. C. A. The song was written by a disco group that is literally gay...
More than two thousand years have passed since Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers gave us great wisdom
Utilitarianism breaches personal freedoms and leads to genocides. Even if its means were somehow justified, it puts too much trust in its operator; life cannot guarantee any certain outcome
Everyone, fellow or fellowship, has the inalienable right to self-determination
We are all unique and abnormal in some way or another. We all were not given something that most others were given
Beauty is the symbol of good, and nature is the greatest source of it. Beauty and truth are inescapably linked...
I work no matter what, because that’s what we, men, are supposed to do. In fact, we need to work more—so future generations aren’t faced with work that is even more threatening
Some tolerance is needed in society. It lets folk experiment and innovate—no problem was ever solved by applying a single technique in a uniform manner
The swastika, the Roman salute, and the rainbow are all esthetically powerful symbols that happened to be appropriated by evil movements
Wrong words lead to wrong phrases, and wrong phrases lead to wrong actions
Putting aside the issue of centralisation, cash is quite a good means-of-exchange. Transactions are private by default, work without digital technology
There is nothing inherently evil about 15-minute neighborhoods and cities. It only makes sense to reduce the time it takes to get from one place to another
I’m worried that mainstream media peddling lies about Ukraine will lead to more loss of life and freedom
Despite always being the best at English spelling in class, even amongst true natives, its inconsistencies bug me