
Тег: DJing

14 заметок   См. также:  Advice   Behind the scenes   I am   Daniel Lesden   John 00 Fleming
Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Discovering New Music, Gig Pricing, Beatport Improvement Ideas, and My Top Productivity Tip

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Back in 2019, I published an article ‘How I prepare my DJ playlists’ (which now has over 21K views), providing behind-the-scenes into the structure of my DJ collection

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

What exactly does a DJ do? What’s the main objective, and what tools are employed to achieve that goal?

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

I usually try and recommend playing tracks more or less close to their original tempo, not to speed up or slow down the tempo by 20 beats per minute, as some DJs do

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

The opening DJ is one of the most underrated roles in the club event format. But who are these “opening” DJs?

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

I made a big thing: I cleaned up my music collection, reducing the number of tracks from 11084 to 7559

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

I try to record my sets during my shows to listen to them later. It’s also great content that’s nice to share

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

What I really need for a DJ set: one USB stick. What I carry with me in my backpack

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

When I announce a new show, people sometimes ask me in the comments or private messages: “What are you going to play?

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

No matter when my set time is, at 1 or 4 AM, I always try to arrive at the venue prior to the doors opening, especially if it’s the first time

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Organising playlists by energy levels, vibe, and flow

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

I have quite a large music library, and I care about keeping it nice and clean a lot. To do so, I use editorial standards — a set of few simple rules that help to make all titles accurate and informative

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Oh, check this out! This picture is intriguing—not just for my baby face or the Stanton CD players (Stanton

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

People often asked me what setup I used in my recent gigs. Well, here is it